Latest Release - 50 | 50

Capturing the essence of buffalo through the lens proved to be a formidable challenge. Renowned for their aggression, cunning nature, and intelligence, these creatures posed a threat that demanded both skill and extreme caution.

My goal was to showcase the immense strength of my subject and the formidable horns that make Buffalo one of the most dangerous animals on the planet.

Determined to create a captivating composition, I found myself immersed in a rabbit hole of research, delving into the intricacies of buffalo behavior as well as engaging in an effort to find a big bull with a and an outlier personality, no easy feat. 

The resulting image, aptly named "50 | 50," draws inspiration from my South African upbringing, where the wildlife show "50:50" left an indelible mark on my fascination with the wilderness and its inhabitants. The title playfully reinterprets the numerical expression, adding a personal touch to the visual narrative.

What sets this image apart is the enigmatic expression on the buffalo's face. Dubbed as a dichotomy, its gaze carries a dual nature, evoking emotions that vary with each observer. Having personally experienced the buffalo's menacing stare, I recognize the potential projection of my own emotions onto the creature. Yet, as I revisit the image, a surprising sense of calm emanates from the animal, introducing a subjective element that adds depth to the artwork.

In essence, the subjectivity inherent in interpreting the buffalo's gaze creates a unique duality, transforming the photograph. Art, by its nature, invites diverse perspectives, and "50 | 50" thrives on the interplay between perception and emotion.

This shoot, with its inherent challenges and profound reflections, stands as an indelible memory in my photographic journey.


Latest Release - Casino Royale


Behind the scenes with the Zulu’s.