Latest Release - Final Warning

In a landscape where wildlife photography is rapidly becoming saturated, a multitude of images has proliferated, inviting criticism for a perceived lack of artistry. Acknowledging this reality, I endeavored to shift the narrative and establish a higher standard for what defines a truly exceptional photograph.

Art naturally prompts inquiries and should stir emotions rooted in personal experiences. This implies that an artwork should carry diverse meanings for individuals based on their perspectives. I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at a thought that crossed my mind once my nerves had settled. We've all encountered "the look" at some juncture, whether from a spouse, boss, or an exasperated parent—I know I certainly have. I encourage you to open your minds and reflect on when you last experienced "the look."

When preparing for a photo shoot, I prefer to have the outcome envisioned before setting foot on location. My preference for wide-angle lenses adds an additional layer of intimacy to my photographs, albeit accompanied by its unique set of challenges. With lower focal lengths requiring proximity, capturing buffaloes posed the need to find a herd with distinct personalities, ones more amenable to human presence. I was aware that I needed to secure a close-up shot with the buffalo, framing it against the clear white backdrop of the overcast sky.

Certainly, as anyone with experience working with wild animals will attest, they often don't align with your intentions and tend to do the exact opposite of what you hope, and while I've faced challenging situations in the past, this demanded a unique composure.

Buffalo are amongst the most dangerous animals on the planet, killing more hunters than any other animal in Africa and as such, shooting with these buffalo is likely something I will only do once. Creative risk taking is essential to success in any goal where the stakes are high and this was no different.

An enormous debt of gratitude goes out to my team on the ground for keeping me safe during this shoot.


Latest Release - The Commander


Latest Release - Impi