Latest Release - I’m Feeling Bullish

Navigating the intricacies of working with wild animals requires a keen understanding, as communication is impossible, and success hinges on seizing every opportune moment.

Upon laying eyes on this photograph, my mind immediately drew parallels to the iconic Wall Street Bull. During the four-hour drive back to Johannesburg – juggling five meetings and a dinner before boarding a flight to Los Angeles – I found myself fervently hoping that the image effectively captured the unfolding moment. Perhaps nostalgia washed over me, reminiscent of the days before I embarked on the challenges of Wall Street, when I perceived a Buffalo Bull as a symbol of strength, metaphorically representing a fortified economy.

Confronting dangerous wildlife mirrors the experiences of a trader. The rush of adrenaline, coupled with the uncertainty of the next move – any honest trader will attest that, despite years of experience, predicting the impact of the next market shift remains a formidable challenge. It's precisely this sensation that enveloped me as I locked eyes with this colossal bull, a behemoth that mirrors the unpredictable nature of both the wild and the trading floor.

In that moment, I felt a deep connection to the untamed spirit of the animal kingdom. Just as in the world of finance, where the unexpected can strike at any moment, in the wild, one must be ever-vigilant, ready to adapt and respond swiftly to the changing landscape. It is this parallel that makes this image so powerful to me – a testament to the resilience and adaptability required to thrive in both nature and the world of high finance.

As I reflect on this encounter, I am reminded of the importance of embracing the unknown, for it is in these moments of uncertainty that we often find our greatest strength and resilience.

I’m feeling bullish, and so should you.


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